Friday, June 25, 2010

I need to enter here more often for my own good.

There's a cold, hard world out there just waiting to destroy us. There are mean people who delight in hurting us as much as possible without us knowing or any way not being able to do any thing about it. There are mean people who will take anything belonging to us--even people we are supposed to trust and respect--if they can do it without raising questions or without getting caught. They especially enjoy taking our things in the guise of a business transaction. Most noteworthy are auto mechanics, people who repair our houses and the like. They will basically steal a good person's life blood if they can get away with it. I am a Christian and I am often a target of these people. I have especially a lot of trouble with cars--I get robbed by car dealers and car repair persons. These people seem to have no remorse from stealing from car buyers and owners as long as they can make it look legitimate. I am a Christian and I feel badly about being robbed by these people and others in legitimate jobs who take advantage of their position to steal from us. What do I do? How do I deal with this? All I can do is accept the fact that we share this world with evil intentioned persons who have no idea that God and Jesus will provide for us even if we don't grab and claw and steal our daily bread and other less necessary items involved in our daily life. They obviously have no concept of the afterlife and what the things they are doing to those of us who care enough to follow live our lives for Jesus. The mark of the Devil is real. I am one of the Christians who is not going to succeed in life because no one will support my efforts to have a good prosperous life. No one will buy the things I make, no one will hire me for a good paying job, no one will take me as a friend. I am extending my hand in need and friendship to any Christians who might want to get to know me.

There is an afterlife with Jesus.

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