Friday, January 8, 2010

Can You Imagine?


You are dogpaddling in the Okeefenokee Swamp at midnight.

You are stuck on the spire(outside) of the Empire State Building and no one knows or cares that you are there.

You are in the middle of the Sahara Desert with nothing more than what you can carry in your hands.

You are in the rain forest in Central America and a couple of poisonous snakes are right there. One hanging from the tree and the other coiled at your left foot.

You are at the top of a German Alp in the winter with nothing but shorts and a tee shirt on.

You are living the life you are living, and Jesus did not exist.

Do you scoff and say, "I'll never find myself in situations like those."?

Do you scoff and say, "I'll never have to pay for my transgressions against others and find myself in Hell for all eternity to be tortured mercilessly by The Devil."?

Are you positive Jesus does not exist?

Are you positive Hell & The Devil do not exist?

Do you really believe there is something special about you that exempts you from consequences of your actions?

There are many people who believe & have faith in Jesus. Are you sure He does not exist?

When Revelation comes to pass, you will see things happen that you have never seen before and unless you believe Revelation, things happen that you could not imagine being possible.

God can do anything.

Why do you believe you're a better Christian than somebody else is? If you persecute another Christian for a transgression they have committed and asked forgiveness for, are you not committing a sin also?

A sin is a sin. Just because you feel particularly strongly about a particular sin, it does not make it more important than the sin you're committing by persecuting the forgiven sinner. If you feel strongly enough about the sin to ostracize an individual and damn yourself in the process, you are missing the point of being a Christian. The New Testament teaches Jesus' words of forgiveness and treating others like you would like to be treated. When we use religion as a weapon against another person, things are very wrong indeed. Christianity is meant to help others overcome sin and live the life Jesus and God intended for them to live, not to be a weapon to hurt or blame another person. Christanity is not a tool of punishment. It is a tool of forgiveness and rebirth into goodness. It is God's gift to humanity. Please don't misuse this precious gift. Think about what you're doing before you treat someone badly for sinning. If they are repentant, Jesus will forgive them. If not, Jesus will deal with them on Judgement Day. Either way, you are not helping yourself or the sinner by making yourself a sinner when you condemn the sinner.

Don't think I'm saying there should be no jails. I'm not. They keep unrepentant sinners away from hurting other people. Some repentant sinners are in jail due to the fact that the system is not perfect. We are only human. In this instance, the prisoner must know how to forgive in order to save his life.

In summation, no sin is greater than another. All must be forgiven.

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